Basic Documents
Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic for 2015-2020
(18.02.2016, pdf, 807 kB)
On 17 June 2015, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved, by its Resolution No. 328/2015, the Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic for years 2015-2020, aimed at proposing a new institutional framework of cyber security management in the Slovak Republic. This was made in response to the draft Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures providing high joint level of network and information systems security in the Union and on identification of relevant national authorities for network and information system security.
Action Plan for Implementation of the Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic for 2015-2020
(16.06.2016, pdf, 251 kB)
The draft Action Plan was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic on 02 March 2016 by its Resolution No. 93/2016. The Action Plan includes a proposal of tasks aimed at providing adequate protection of cyber space of the state against potential dangers that could cause irreparable damage to the Slovak Republic and thus impair the trustworthiness of the state and/or an organization. The Action Plan to the Concept is one of the key documents defining a list of tasks for the period of years 2016 to 2020, focusing on creation of law, standards, methodologies, rules, security policies, international cooperation, increasing of awareness and capacities, as well as other activities needed to provide protection and defence of national cyber space. Individual tasks are grouped in eight priority areas, including responsible persons and organizations and cooperating entities and the time frame of implementation.