Guardians 2020 is again under the auspices SK-CERT

Scientists, doctors, immunologists and research laboratories have never been under more pressure than today. The whole world is waiting for the development of the first vital vaccine against Covid-19. However, their work attracts not only the attention of the media, but also hackers. And this year, participants of the Guardians 2020 competition are facing exactly these fictitious criminals.

Binary Confidence and the National Cyber Security Centre SK-CERT (National Security Authority) co-organize the fourth year of the competition for IT specialists under the subtitle “Corona Edition”. Throughout the whole month of October, registered teams will gradually receive new tasks. Under simulated conditions, they will resist attacks of hackers on a research laboratory.

In respective tasks, registered participants can check their knowledge in the field of incident response in the environment resembling a real company network. Organizers prepared attacks in cooperation with professional penetration testers based on real methods of APT groups.

Previous years, only students could participate in the competition. Now, the competition is open to companies and the public as well. “Not only IT specialists, but everyone who is interested in IT security can try out how to respond to a simulated attack of hackers, can find out how the attack was executed and what damage the attackers managed to commit,” adds a network specialist on IT systems and network security, and a co-founder of Binary Confidence company Ján Andraško.

Guardians 2020 has already attracted more than 150 teams, of which 40 are active participants and have already sent a total of 15 000 responses to competition tasks. However, this hasn’t yet affected the fact that only one registered team has solved correctly one of the tasks.

Due to restrictions during the pandemic, the competition is only on-line in the form of CTF (Capture The Flag) and it is possible to enrol anytime during the month of October. At this moment, there are top experts in cybersecurity among the registered teams, and not only employees of Slovak top IT companies or state authorities, but also university teams and dozens of amateur enthusiasts from Slovakia and the Czech Republic compete for the championship.

You can follow the interim results on the official competition website.

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