SK-CERT Participating on ITAPA 2019 and CyberTAPA 2019

On 12 and 13 November 2019 the Crowne Plaza Hotel was hosting an International Conference ITAPA 2019, the largest event on Information Technologies in public administration in Slovakia. The conference lasted three days and was full of news from the world of digitization, artificial intelligence, big data, industry 4.0., cyber ​​security, smart health and smart cities. The National Cyber ​​Security Centre SK-CERT, just like last year, co-organized CyberTAPA, a two-day practical cyber security course in the form of workshops.

The first three-hour Table-Top exercise ”A Suspicious Mail is Just the Beginning” was led by the lecturer Matej Šalmík from the National Cyber ​​Security Centre SK-CERT.

The Table-Top exercise is a kind of non-technical exercise focusing on decision-making, as well as practising and testing of own procedures and processes, practising of tasks and responsibilities of individual roles, and all that in connection with handling of sample cyber security incidents.  

The other workshop was led by the lecturer Ján Skalný from the National Cyber ​​Security Centre SK-CERT. This four-hour workshop introduced possibilities and limitations of modern open source intrusion detection system Suricata. The workshop focused on practical demonstration of the system functionality, how to write detection rules, how to optimize the processing of larger data streams, and how to search for samples and generate NetFlow records enriched with information from application protocols.   

The last workshop under the wings of the National Cyber Security Centre SK-CERT was the workshop “Vulnerabilities in Software – Attack and Protection” led by the lecturer Milan Pikula. This practical workshop revealed how security vulnerabilities in software work and how attackers abuse them. Penetration testers – beginners learnt how to detect such vulnerabilities and programmers had the opportunity to learn how to avoid them in the process of the software development.

The Director of the National Cyber Security Centre SK-CERT Rastislav Janota also contributed with his presentation to ITAPA Conference. In the section “Cyber Security – Building a Secure State” he presented the perspective on building a secure state in cyber space.      

If you feel interest in the way how the attackers think and how to defend against them, look for our other articles in which we shall inform you of similar events.    

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